Umfst Learning Agreement

Documents are available at for Science and Technology Students. Following the measures adopted by the National Committee for Special Emergencies on 9 March 2020 or “Interruption of study programmes for the exchange of experiences by 31 March 2020”, all mobility under Erasmus+ programmes, the European Solidarity Corps and European Economic Area (EEA) grants will be suspended until the same date. In this context, the Erasmus+ Office extends the application deadline for the mobility of Erasmus studies for the academic year 2020-2021 until 20.04.2020 (with the possibility of extending this deadline). Application documents can be sent by e-mail to (for the health field) or (for science and technology) in PDF format (NO IMAGES), and after the resumption of activity with the public, they will be submitted in physical form to the Erasmus+ office. The files are reviewed and if they are complete and compliant, you will receive comments by email! You can study for at least one semester at a university participating in the LLP with which the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Târgu Mureș has signed a bilateral agreement; For more details and concerns, you can contact us at the email address or no. in telefon 0265215551 int.235 Curriculum for Dental Studies available on Curriculum for Medical Studies available at Following the measures adopted by the National Committee for Special Emergencies on 9 March 2020, namely “the cessation of study programmes for exchange programmes” until 31 March 2020″, all mobility under the Erasmus programmes, the European Solidarity Corps and The European Economic (EEA) space grants are suspended until the same date. In this context, the Erasmus+ Office is extending the period for submitting application documents for Erasmus studies for the academic year 2020-2021 until 20.04.2020 (with the possibility of extending this semester). Application documents can be sent by e-mail to (for education – health) or (for education – science and technology) in PDF format (NO IMAGES) after being submitted in person to the Erasmus+ office after the office reopens to the public. The files are reviewed and if they are complete and compliant, you will receive comments by email! Pharmacy program available at medical students who intend to come to Târgu Mureș in September 2021 to pursue a free-mover degree can send their application/nomination to the email address between 15/06/2021 and 30/06/2021. Students (Erasmus+ and Free Movers) who wish to come to Târgu Mureș in September 2020 for study mobility can send their application/nomination until 15.07.2020 to the email address for medical students or for science and technology students. The curriculum for the academic year 2020/2021 has changed a lot and will be available on the university`s website in early June 2020. Students should take into account that, at the moment, it is not known how the lessons will be organized in the first semester. Some can be online courses or blended formulas (online and on-site).

Similarly, social and cultural life may not have been resumed in a normal and usual way, but we will do our best to minimize these shortcomings as much as possible. Certificat de competență lingvistică pentru limba în care se va efectua mobilitatea sau o limbă de circulaţie internaţională. If the student does not yet have a certificate/diploma, he or she can contact the CCLASC-UMFST for a language exam. Proposal of a first study program – resulting from access to the official website of the university/ universities for which the file is submitted, and from the consultation of study subjects that can be pursued abroad and assimilated in the country .. To all candidates for the mobility of Erasmus internships, a new level of graduates in 2019: We inform you that the provision according to which the mobility must end within one year of obtaining the Bachelor is no longer valid. .

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