About Laura Gras
Associate Professor, Doctor of Physical Therapy Program, The Sage Colleges, Troy, NY 1998-present
Degree Information
The Sage Colleges, Troy, NY. Doctor of Physical Therapy, 2011.
Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions, Provo, Utah. Doctor of Science, 2003
Sage Graduate School, Albany, NY. Master of Science in Health Services Administration, 1997.
Sage Graduate School, Albany, NY. Certificate in Gerontology, 1997.
Russell Sage College, Troy, NY. Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy, 1991.
NeuroDevelopmental Treatment. April 2011 (trained in 1997).
Certified in Vestibular Rehabilitation through the American Institute of Balance. October 2009.
ABPTS Geriatric Clinical Specialist. June 2003
Current Research
Improving Balance by Education, Walking and the Wii.
Wii Fit research using a novel snowboard with Empire Health and Wellness.
Recent Publications
Ungermann C, Gras L. Therapeutic Riding followed by Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation to Improve Balance and Gait in a Subject with Orthopedic Pathologies. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 2011;17(12):1191-1195.
Figueiro M, Plitnick B, Rea M, Gras L, Rea M. Lighting and Perceptual Cues: Effects on Gait Measures of Older Adults at High and Low Risk for Falls. BMC Geriatrics. 2011;11:49.
Figueiro M, Gras L, Plitnick B, Rea M, Rea M. Lighting for Improved Postural Control in Older Adults with and without Risk for Falls. Age and Ageing. 2011.
Gras L, Hummer A, Hine, E. Reliability and validity of the Nintendo Wii Fit. Journal of Cybertherapy and Rehabilitation. 2009; 2(4):329-336.
Figueiro M, Gras L, Qi R, Rizzo P, Rea M, Rea MS. A novel lighting system for postural control and stability in seniors. Lighting Research and Technology. 2008; 40: 111-126.
Gras L, Levangie P, Goodwin-Segal T, Lawrence D. A comparison of hip versus ankle exercises in elders and the influence on balance and gait. Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy. 2004; 27: 39-46.
Recent Accomplishments
Gras L, Leathem M, Darbyshire C. Adding Prayer to a Multifactorial Fall Prevention Program for a Person who had a Stroke. Festival of International Conferences on Caregiving, Disability, Aging and Technology (FICCDAT). Toronto, Canada, June 2011.
Gras L, Hummer A, Hine, E. Reliability and validity of the Nintendo Wii Fit. APTA’s Combined Sections Meeting. February 2010; San Diego, CA. (poster presentation)
Gras L, Martin J, Surprenant T. The use of a lighted tilted frame with individuals who have had a cerebral vascular accident. APTA’s Combined Sections Meeting. February 2010; San Diego, CA. (poster presentation)
Ungermann C, Gras L. Improvements in balance and gait with therapeutic riding: a case report. NYPTA Annual Conference. October 2009; Saratoga, NY. NYPTA Annual Conference. October 2009; Saratoga, NY. (platform presentation) 2009 Robert Salant Award in the Case Report Category, NYPTA- Oct 2009
Gras L, Hummer A, Hine, E. Reliability and validity of the Nintendo Wii Fit. NYPTA Annual Conference. October 2009; Saratoga, NY. NYPTA Annual Conference. October 2009; Saratoga, NY. (poster presentation)
Professional Organization Membership
American Physical Therapy Association Neurology and Geriatrics Section Member Neuro-Developmental Treatment Association